
Parsimony and Machine Learning in Neuroimaging

Using anatomical MRI data from the NIMH/NHLBI Data Sharing Project (NNDSP) to compare accuracy in prediction of age for a complex machine learning model with a large number of features to a simple machine learning model with only four features: white matter fraction, grey matter fraction, CSF fraction and intracranial volume, chosen a priori.

Homelessness in LA County

Working with state and local agencies to develop and evaluate evidence-based solutions to homelessness. The California Policy Lab leverages expertise in data integration, predictive analytics, screening tools, and program evaluation to share real-time insights and build empirical evidence to improve outcomes for homeless individuals and families.

Twitch Culture Research

Deploying both quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze the dynamics of Twitch communication and their effects for abusive language use in community gatekeeping.